September 1, 2014
This email was directed to former Mayor of Santa Cruz City Hillary Bryant about the Indicator Stairs, Westside, Santa Cruz.
Hi Hillary,
I'm sending this note later than I intended. Surf conditions hadn't led me to the new Surf Statue stairs until a few days ago.
What a dramatic improvement! The submerged landing at the bottom leads you to the new, square-edged steps. You can get onto the stairs and out of the waves much more quickly and safely now, with less risk of being knocked off your feet. The results are all that any of us had hoped for.
Thank you so much for your help in getting this project started and keeping it moving during slow times. Without your interest we might still be waiting for results. I know that Public Works has a lot of competing demands and it might have been hard for them to focus on this one, but with your help it got done, and done well.
I was very pleased that Tom Ralston was the contractor. His skills with concrete construction and his adaptability to the constantly changing conditions of the ocean were the magic combination that gives us this fine result.
Again, thank you for all your help.
Keith Skaug
Santa Cruz Long Board Union (SCLBU)